01 February 2025

Uh, yea, you're goddamn fucking right I have POWER, &lots of it, &if you think that POWER is BESTOWED &that you can somehow waltz in here &we will all acknowledge you as some power-filled entity, &you attempt to wield your non-existent power, think again. This POWER of MINE that you see all over ME is MINE; I earned it, &MY POWER is NON-TRANSFERABLE #facts

On Power


"If your technique isn't flawless, you have no technique." —안성재


i hope that i can meet this chef someday. his entire approach and mentality throughout the show was just in so much alignment with the way that i think about things, and it made me so happy. mostly, however, i was fascinated by his take on the idea of Korean food.

he bitch-slapped Edward Lee's bibimbap, with good reason, imho. 

to me, 안성재 has a mentality about Korean food that is something like this, "There's no need to 'elevate' Korean food. Korean food is perfect. The way that you 'elevate' Korean food is by understanding where each and every dish comes from within the country. If you understand where the dish emerged, then you will understand why the dish exists, and only through this understanding will you then understand that the most 'elevated' version of any Korean dish is the one that uses ingredients from the location from where the dish emerged." 

안성재 is flexing Korean Power, &i'm all for it. he also doesn't seem to be against fusion, obviously, but don't call it by its Korean dish name, call it something else.

On Unearned Power

i've been mulling the idea of power, for the past week or so, due to a switch up in management at my current place of exploitment, i mean exploitment, dammit, employment. &let's just say that i learned that i am actually far more powerful than i realized, &it's all thanks to my team of taggers. obviously, i cannot be too detailed, at this time, as i am currently jobbing there, &so, i am not interested in "taking anyone down," etc. i'll just say that one of the switch ups came into the store, guns blazing, as if we all needed to be shipped into shape, etc., only to learn that the ship is in shape, &instead of hopping on board, this newbie pinpointed the "person in charge" &for one whole week (technically they've been there for two weeks, but i was away their first week) the one newbie did nothing but try to stir social division throughout the overnight crew by complaining about the way that the "person in charge" has the overnight crew setup and organized, etc. *iroll* each one of these people came to me directly to report on what the newbie was complaining about, because the newbie was complaining about me. 

honestly, i didn't know i was "in charge," &so i did nothing about the newbie, business as usual. clock in, do your job, do it right, and clock out. i heard all of the gossip, but the newbie never said anything to my face, so what was i supposed to do? some personalities are prickly, but if the person is good at the job, what's the problem? i wasn't about to stoop to the newbie's level and complain about the gossip, &so i had nothing to complain about until a tag was moved. it's a process that i can't technically go over, here, cause it's, like, my job, so the actual how-to of my job duties are probably, like, my employer's IP, etc., but i knew exactly who did it, because i know, &so, i made a simple statement about the moved tag to one of the higher-ups, &when i came in on friday, the newbie was clocking out as i clocked in. 

i'll give the newbie one thing, pinpointing power is not always easy, especially in a mixed-power setting, but this newbie targeted me on day one, bravo/a *laugh-cry*

my point is that in most jobplaces the jobbers decide who is in power. sure there is a definitive hierarchy, in most jobplaces, but most people have an interior power structure even as they acknowledge the exterior power structure. i've been an hourly-wage jobber for my entire jobbing career. this is my first job as a manager, &so i know. as an hourly-wage laborer we are the ones who decide, internally, who the "real leader" is, despite whoever the manager-in-title might be.

my biggest gripe about the newbie is that i knew, from the moment i met them, that they had a lot to prove. i was more than ready to give them the space to do just that, but if you're going to come into my jobplace and try to disrupt the no-assholes/no-fools vibe that's been cultivated over the past year and a half i've been in the position, then what the fuck is wrong with you? we all job here, together, every single fucking day. why are you trying to make enemies? &so, really, i feel really lucky right now to be jobbing in a jobplace among other jobbers who didn't take the newbie's bait. the newbie was unsuccessful at dividing us, &in my book, that's a win. 

of course, the newbie could still return to the nightcrew; i don't know the details of their schedule, etc., but i doubt that they'll be back unless or until they can get on board the ship that's currently sailing.


On Earned Power 

—"cross me, please"

i am eagerly anticipating JENNIIE's new studio album, RUBY

when you travel the world, as an elite, &you realize that you actually are The Shit, by, like, a mile, you change, &instead of trying to be part of the world, like you thought you wanted to be, you decide that you want to Rule the World *cheers*