25 July 2024

he used to strut around campus in a pair of red cargo pants, and as i would sit myself down on a seat on the bus that would take me home after/between classes, i would see him out of the bus window, strutting. we knew of each other, as we were employed at the same jobplace but never jobbed together (i an opener, he a closer), &so, for many many months, we never really laid eyes on each other, except for one or two all-store meetings, etc., &the many times i secretly saw him from the bus window ;)


&so, i told him one day, "I saw you on campus yesterday," with an air of nonchalance as if i couldn't care less.

he's a gemini, "Oh yea, where?" 

i'ma sag, "I dunno, some place across the street from a bus stop I use."

"Where's the stop?"

"Like, if you come out of Norlin, the stadium side, then take a right out past the new art history building, toward that parking garage? There's a bus stop there."

"Why don't you say 'Hi!'?"

"I see you from the bus." 

"Every time?"

"Every time."

21 July 2024

a saturday sunrise swim

Saturday Sunrise Swim
taken on a Polaroid IE50FE-NOC
edited in InShot
captured by the bodybuddy/lifemate 

20 July 2024

don't feel threatened by the Illiterati; they frequently find it difficult to get on the same page.

[end note] obviously, i do not really dabble in the wordwork* of jokes and comedy, etc., so if this same sentiment has been expressed by someone, already, in the form of a better joke etc., then i am unaware of it at the time of this writing. sometimes, ideas aren't that good, because they are so obvious, but its obviousness doesn't make the idea any less-funny; it just means it doesn't take a genius to see the funny, etc.

*if you bitch on socials about how people "outright steal [italics mine, cause socials is lame like that, obviously] posts, outright copy and paste!" then you should probably create something of your own, a digital space that you own where, if someone is actually stealing your shit, you can prove it. Like. Duh. but mostly, why the fuck do you care? you honestly think your ideas are so so fucking amazing, so so original? bahahahahahaha!

the bodybuddy/lifemate's turn [&yes, this is seriously turning out to be more of a phlog this month, cause, i'm jobbing at the stupid fucking, ephing, fucking job!!!, {fuck!} six days a week for the foreseeable future, &c., but we are purposefully child-free adults {in essence, free to do whatever the fuck we want, when not at our fucking day jobs, etc.}, &the job is stupid-easy {i just have to walk my ass there, though, and that's the shittiest part of all of this} so don't feel any sorta feels for me; we good *muah* we winning *middle-finger up*]

16 July 2024

a Visitation [in word]

She's nearly prophetic these days

Not necessarily about what

but that

and when

but not exactly

and certainly not why

On the Horizon

the first feelings riding that first photon of the happening 


Everything rides Something

It's hard to know when you've become food

The moment arrives, and before you know it

You're food

the Hierarchy is not not-real

my ability or lack thereof to overcome or succumb will


be better than some and worse than others

Something snatches you

The moment arrives, and before you know it

This is it

She sees

not-because she is special

but rather

because she is willing

Today is not your day

The moment arrives, and before you know it

You wriggle free

I am Free

yet Lost

Arms wide, you fly

The moment arrives, and before you know it

You're hungry

She awakens

And you see her see you

My soul refuses to believe

She stands

You ask why

I ask why

She waits

You wait

I wait

She collects you

You do not resist being collected

I see

She looks at me

You look at me

a Visitation [in image]

catch the video on uTube

14 July 2024


yes, the shirt is/was free Meili merch *yikes*
he, "Aquaman," apparently came by the store
at which i am currently employed
to hawk his vodka